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  • Sound restricted wedding venues a big issue if dancing is something you want to prioritise at your wedding.

    Every venue with sound restrictions will say they have no issues, and that you are allowed to have dancing but it isn’t always true or realistic

    As a guide, decibels (dB) are measured in groups of 10, where every 10dB increase equals double the volume.

    • 75db is quiet cafe with 10 people.

    • 85db is a busy cafe (60people) with background music.

    • 95dB is a medium size club with dancing on chapel st.

    • 100dB+ is a large club with good bass.

    The ambient volume of about 120 guests at a wedding is about 85db. So for example, if the venue has an 80dB limit, the music would need to be quieter than ambient conversation.

    A busy city cafe like “higher ground” is a good example of what the max music volume would be at sound restricted wedding.

    For a good dance floor with bass, you need 95dB at a minimum depending on the size of the room.

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